Freres Lumber Named One Of 2019’s Most Innovative Companies
The list honors the businesses making the most profound impact on both industry and culture, showcasing a variety of ways to thrive in today’s volatile world. Half of the companies on this year’s MIC 50 list are appearing for the first time.
“We are honored to receive this prestigious award and to be recognized for the innovation and application of our invention of Mass Plywood Panel (MPP),” said Rob Freres, president of Freres Lumber.
Freres Lumber’s MPP brings new innovation to the mass timber market, and was recently acknowledged for its revolutionary product with the awards of two new patents in the U.S. and Canada. MPP is the first and only mass timber panel constructed entirely out of Structural Composite Lumber (SCL) worldwide, which means it uses approximately 20 percent less wood, costs less, and is as strong as and lighter weight than competing products.
Fast Company’s editors and writers sought out groundbreaking businesses across 35 industries and every region. They also judged nominations received through their application process.
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